
Anatomy Coloring Book, The (3rd Edition)

A Great Anatomy Aid -- A must for med students5
This book is the best reference on the human body I've found! It focuses individually on each system, with large ready-to-color pages. This book list all bones and muscles in the human body (in the drawings, too) and reveals their locations. It goes into extreme detail about everything, and shows a fetal circulation diagram, which I have had trouble finding in other books. This book lists the view names (anterior, posterior, superior, ventral, etc.) and gives a diagram. It even spends some time talking about cells and tissues, with a colorable diagram of a cell. This book is a MUST for med students, and would make a great reference book for physicians. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in human anatomy, for I sure am enjoying it. Also check out "The Physiology Coloring Book, 2nd Edition". Note:For this book you should have a good supply of quality colored pencils, probably about 30, including gray and black.

Great supplement for any anatomy course4
I am using this book as a study tool for my Gross Anatomy course. Anyone who has taken an anatomy class can tell you that color-coding structures is one of the most helpful ways to remember them. There are drawings of bones, muscles, joints, organ systems and explanations of virtually everything that could possibly be covered in an anatomy class. The drawings are excellent and most of the features of the bones are labelled as well. This was very helpful to me since I had to memorize virtually every tubercle, ridge, groove, or other protuberance on every bone of the body. When I had trouble with the skull because the drawings in my class notes were horrible, the drawings in this book were much clearer and helped out a lot. If you are taking an anatomy class, this is a smart and relatively inexpensive investment that will help you remember everything better.

The most learning enriched coloringbook you'll ever find!5
I'm an 11th grader attending Norwich Free Academy currently taking AP anatomy & pysiology. This is one of those books, not required, but extrememely useful for surviving anatomy. With all the memorization, the coloring and written out labels w/ definitions, helps your out class grade so much. The visuals are so graphic and precise I find it has helped maintain a high gpa in the course. I would recommend this book for highschool & college anatomy students as well as for anatomy teachers. When the teachers print out the different coloring pages to assign for hw, as silly as it sounds, it infact helps w/ the whole physical concept. It is also a great break in between attempting Uconn Chemistry problems and reading about a bunch of dead guys in AP history. =P

About Anatomy Coloring Book, The (3rd Edition) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #594 in Books
  • Published on: 2001-07-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 170 pages


Anatomy Coloring Book, The (3rd Edition) Description

Often imitated, never duplicated.

  • New! Lay-flat binding makes coloring easier.
  • New! 8 plates have been added: Accessory Structures of the Skin, Temporomandibular Joint, Upper Limb: Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint, Upper Limb: Elbow Joints, Lower Limb: Male and female Pelves, Lower Limb: Sacroiliac and Hip Joints, Lower Limb: Knee Joints, Somatic Visceral Receptors.
  • New! 7 additional sections: Skeletal and Articular Systems, Skeletal Muscular System, Central Nervous System, Central Nervous System: Cavities and Coverings, Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Human Development.
For over 23 years, The Anatomy Coloring Book has been the leading human anatomy coloring book, offering concisely written text and precise, extraordinary hand-drawn figures. Organized according to body systems, each of the 170 plates featured in this book includes an ingenious color-key system anatomical terminology is linked to detail illustration of the structures of the body.

Wynn Kapit is the designer of the The Anatomy Coloring Book, The Physiology Coloring Book, and The Geography Coloring Book. Mr. Kapit received a B.B.A. and an L.L.B. from the University of Miami and an M.A. from the University of California, Berkeley.

Lawrence M. Elson, Ph.D. is a clinical and forensic human anatomist who taught at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, the University of California Medical School at San Francisco, and the City College of San Francisco. Dr. Elson is the founder and president of Coloring Concepts, Inc., and the director of graphic and textual content of its several publications.

Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry

Good with 1st edition3
This study guide/solutions manual matches the first edition of Organic Chemistry. Questions have been changed, rearranged, and added in the second edition, and the guide isn't nearly as useful or easy to use with it.

Very Helpful5
I love that the author basically gives you her own notes. She breaks everything down very well.

A Must Have to Accompany the Textbook!5
This student solutions manual is a MUST HAVE to accompany the Organic Chemistry textbook. The manual goes chapter-by-chapter - first, there is a quick review/summary of the concepts discussed in that chapter, and then, there are detailed solutions to every single problem in the textbook. Other solutions manuals only contain solutions for half of the problems, but this one shows you how to do everything! I keep it by my side as I do the problems in the textbook, so I can check my answers while I go. The solutions have a text description of the concepts you need to understand to do the problem, and then a systematic overview of the steps to do the particular problem. I wouldn't be surviving Organic Chemistry without this!

About Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #29488 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-03-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 736 pages

Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany Organic Chemistry Description

Written by Janice Gorzynski Smith and Erin R. Smith, the Student Study Guide/Solutions Manual provides step-by-step solutions to all in-chapter and end-of-chapter problems. Each chapter begins with an overview of key concepts and includes key rules and summary tables.

Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Applications of Laboratory Data

Clinical Laboratory Medicine by Richard Ravel5
I have benefitied greatly from this well thought out and clearly presented guide to the use of laboratory studies in clinical practice. Unlike other guides which are mainly compendiums of various lab tests as they relate to given diseases, Dr. Ravel's work provides physiolgic/pathophysiologic explanations both as a background for understanding indications for laboratory studies as well as their limitations. As a practitioner of Family Medicine I have enjoyed this work since its 3rd edition; its main weakness is that the current 6th edition (1995) needs to be brought up to date.

About Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Applications of Laboratory Data detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #530972 in Books
  • Published on: 1995-01-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 724 pages

Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Applications of Laboratory Data Description

Dr. Ravel provides clinical and technical information about specific laboratory procedures to allow knowledgeable understanding, selection and interpretation of each procedure. The book emphasizes clinical aspects of tests, including possible limitations and sources of error.


A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Wri

7th Edition of Turabian Is a Great Improvement5
The 7th edition of Kate L. Turabian's A Manual for Writers features significant new material, a more user-friendly arrangement, much-needed rules for online resources, and an eye-friendly, two-tone typeset format.

Editors Booth, Colomb, and Williams have adapted material from their The Craft of Research and inserted it as Part I of the 7th edition. Researchers now get both a style guide and a research guide in one book.

The three-part format for the 7th edition also makes it easier to navigate. Part I is the new research guide; Part II is the rules for source citation; Part III is the style guide. In the 6th edition, the first chapter was a guide to the parts of a research paper which then had to be compared to the formats and sample layouts in the last chapter. The new edition combines all this material together in Appendix A along with instructions that are updated to reflect common word processor settings. And the index at the back of the volume now references items by page number rather than chapter and section, a great improvement in my opinion.

The 7th edition brings Turabian up-to-date by including rules and examples for citing online sources. Part II also separates the instructions for notes/bibliography style from the instructions for parenthetical/reference list style. What had been a completely separate chapter for citing public documents is now helpfully included with the rest of the citation rules. Part II of edition 7 now includes over 100 pages of citation examples compared to the 26 pages in chapter 11 of the 6th edition.

One weakness that is not corrected in the new edition is that Turabian's official stance for encyclopedias and other reference works is still that they should only be cited in notes. (17.5.3, p.191) Nothing acknowledges the difficulties of citing scholarly encyclopedia or dictionary references where signed articles are the norm. One can, however, adapt the instructions for edited collections on p.179 to sufficiently cite academic reference works.

Finally, the blue-and-black typesetting makes it much easier to distinguish in-text examples and to move one's eye from section to section.

It is fitting that the 7th edition has been published on the 20th anniversary of Kate Turabian's death. The many improvements in this edition will ensure its place on student bookshelves for years to come.

Nerds of the world, rejoice!4
I have owned the Sixth Edition of Turabian for about five years and it has been used to the point of disintegration. I was excited about the new edition and when I received it I was elated to find that the Chicago Style Manual was included with the writer's manual. The editors have updated the manual to include citation of electronic sources which, if you have been doing any academic writing recently, has been a matter of preference. The two-color priniting makes section headings easier to find as you are leafing through the pages. The editors have included a bibliography divided into various disciplines that provides some suggestions for further research. Overall, I am enjoying using the new manual. The biggest downside is that I am having to relearn the section headings that I have grown familiar with over the past five years. Small price to pay for the added advantage of having the Chicago Style Manual at my fingertips.

Nerds, do yourselves a favor and update your Turabian manual. You won't be sorry.

Dr Frankenstein's Top Pick3
This new edition of the venerable Turabian manual is no more than a rough draft. It is perhaps a second draft, but a work in process nonetheless. The need for a deft ediorial hand to finish work is soon evident to any knowledgable reader. First, the same material on tables and figures is covered in two separate sections. This material could have been consolidated in one place. Second, essential information on references is overly wordy and convoluted, requiring five chapters to present the same material that needed just one in the previous edition. Third, there is a serious lack of focus. The promise of the first section is not fullfilled in the second. The focus shifts. Were this a thesis or a dissertation, it would not get past the student's advisor to the full committee. Were this an article submitted for publication, the editor would return it for needed revisions. Were this a patchwork body of Dr. Frankenstein's creation, it would still need an energizing spark to bring it to life.

There are two distinct sections to this text. The first is an elementary, but polished, introduction to crafting research papers by eminent and accomplished scholars. The second seeks to present "Chicago style for researchers and students," which is the subtitle of the volume. The transition between the two is not smooth. While the first section is for beginners, the second is for advanced students, presenting numerous graphics to help format a dissertation, but just a single graphic for class papers, a title page. Thus, the neophyte is given the task of inferring from the format of a dissertation how a class paper should look. This seems backwards. Shouldn't the task of translating from one format to another be given to the more advanced student? Better yet, why not present both formats? Students writing a dissertation are well beyond needing the elementary guide to doing research found in the first half of the book. The focus shifts from beginner to near-professional with no closure for the beginner and no preparation for the grad student. Could this be the patchwork creation of a mad (but competent) scientist?

An appendix is the literary equivalent of an afterthought, and that is where the page format graphics have been relegated. Apparently the editors of this venerable "manual of writers of research papers," considers the format of words, sentences, tables, figures, paragraphs, and quotations more important than their presentation on the page. Perhaps, "A Manual for Writers of Research Text" would be a more honest title. The subtitle, not the title, appears to be the ordering principle of the second half of the book--Chicago Style for for Researchers and Students. The emphasis is on the style and not the final product, the research paper. This may be a fine point to some, but both the APA (American Psychological Association) and MLA (Modern Language Association) place page formats in the body of their style manuals.

The previous edition presented the three Chicago reference formats--footnote/endnote, bibliography, and reference list--side by side in a single chapter. This proved so effective that the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style elected to do the same thing. But this edition of the Turabian manual has expanded this one chapter into five. The question is why, for whom? Shouldn't students be treated to the simpler presentation? William of Occcam is the author of a famous priciple in philosophy know as Occam's Razor. He argued that when given a choice of alternative explanations the simplest will generally prove the most reliable. About 600 years later, William Strunk, Jr., advised his students to "omit needless words," and we might add, needless chapters.

Given these observations, how would you grade a text with these problems? To me, it reads like a rough draft in need of additional work. I would not want to present a text in this condition to a dissertation committee. And by that standard, a revised edition is called for. With both the Turabian manual and Chicago manual on my bookshelf, I invariably go to the Chicago manual when I have a question. Ironically, with the previous editions of both texts it was the other way around. The new Turabian manual does manage to cover the essential features of Chicago style, and though it is a great buy at amazon prices, it is no bargain. It is a disjointed patchwork offensive to a disciplined mind. Dr. Frankenstein, would you care to hazard a second opinion?

About A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #550 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-04-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 436 pages


A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) Description

Dewey. Bellow. Strauss. Friedman. The University of Chicago has been the home of some of the most important thinkers of the modern age. But perhaps no name has been spoken with more respect than Turabian. The dissertation secretary at Chicago for decades, Kate Turabian literally wrote the book on the successful completion and submission of the student paper. Her Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, created from her years of experience with research projects across all fields, has sold more than seven million copies since it was first published in 1937.

Now, with this seventh edition, Turabian’s Manual has undergone its most extensive revision, ensuring that it will remain the most valuable handbook for writers at every level—from first-year undergraduates, to dissertation writers apprehensively submitting final manuscripts, to senior scholars who may be old hands at research and writing but less familiar with new media citation styles. Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the late Wayne C. Booth—the gifted team behind The Craft of Research—and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff combined their wide-ranging expertise to remake this classic resource. They preserve Turabian’s clear and practical advice while fully embracing the new modes of research, writing, and source citation brought about by the age of the Internet.

Booth, Colomb, and Williams significantly expand the scope of previous editions by creating a guide, generous in length and tone, to the art of research and writing. Growing out of the authors’ best-selling Craft of Research, this new section provides students with an overview of every step of the research and writing process, from formulating the right questions to reading critically to building arguments and revising drafts. This leads naturally to the second part of the Manual for Writers, which offers an authoritative overview of citation practices in scholarly writing, as well as detailed information on the two main citation styles (“notes-bibliography” and “author-date”). This section has been fully revised to reflect the recommendations of the fifteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style and to present an expanded array of source types and updated examples, including guidance on citing electronic sources.

The final section of the book treats issues of style—the details that go into making a strong paper. Here writers will find advice on a wide range of topics, including punctuation, table formatting, and use of quotations. The appendix draws together everything writers need to know about formatting research papers, theses, and dissertations and preparing them for submission. This material has been thoroughly vetted by dissertation officials at colleges and universities across the country.

This seventh edition of Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations is a classic reference revised for a new age. It is tailored to a new generation of writers using tools its original author could not have imagined—while retaining the clarity and authority that generations of scholars have come to associate with the name Turabian.

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Excellent Book on Physiological Chemistry5
This book is exactly as described by the publisher. A very readable overview of general and organic chemistry. A comprehensive study of the organic molecules and chemical processes specific to the human body.

I liked this book so much that I'm ordering a hardcover copy to replace my original paperback edition.

Well Written5
The book was used for 90% of my class. It well written for the student with little exposure to chemistry. The pictures and diagrams could have better depicted the subject matter. The price was $40 less than what my college bookstore charges. Great value.

Not bad4
I got this book for my organic chemistry class. It's not as hard as other books to comprehend.

About Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #35186 in Books
  • Published on: 2006-03-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 976 pages

Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Description

Rewritten throughout for enhanced clarity and readability – without sacrificing content – this best-seller offers a focus on problem-solving and engaging discussions of relevant applications. Effectively covers the essentials of allied health chemistry without excessive and unnecessary detail. Puts chemistry in the context of everyday life. Covers biochemistry thoroughly to allow for flexible treatment and places emphasis on its relevance to society. Updates and expands content throughout in topics such as DNA, genomics, chemical messengers, the new food pyramid, and the modern view of nucleic acid chemistry and protein synthesis. Revises illustrations throughout for increased effectiveness. Redesigned diagrams and bulleted lists for a clearer layout. A useful resource for anyone working in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, agriculture, home economics, aquaculture – or those who simply have a desire to learn more about the basic concepts of chemistry and biochemistry.

Rapid Review Laboratory Testing in Clinical Medicine: with STUDENT CONSULT Access

Excellent quick review5
Excellent charts with pathological and clinical correlation of the lab findings. Exemplar examples of types of illnesses/pathologic processes expected with each lab test.

great resource5
excellent resource with clinical correlations. very similar to Goljan's pathology review but more in depth with lab tests

About Rapid Review Laboratory Testing in Clinical Medicine: with STUDENT CONSULT Access detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #346972 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-10-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages

Rapid Review Laboratory Testing in Clinical Medicine: with STUDENT CONSULT Access Description

Get the most from your study time...with this high-yield print and electronic study package! This volume in the "Rapid Review" series - a series that is highly rated in the First Aid rankings - makes it easy for you to master laboratory testing in clinical medicine. An outline format and abundant charts, tables, and diagrams enable you to quickly access important information, and 212 review questions - presented in USMLE format - provide crucial self assessment for maximum exam and ward preparation. It's the perfect resource for medical students, residents, or practitioners who are preparing for the USMLEs, certification, or recertification.

  • Emphasizes clinically relevant content including disease diagnosis, test selection, and test-altering variables.
  • Provides an at-a-glance, outline-format review of all of the information you need to know.
  • Makes studying easier with a user-friendly 2-color layout, Hi-Yield Margin Notes, and Key Points.
  • Offers 212 USMLE-style review questions inside the book at the end of each chapter, with a full rationale for why every possible answer is right or wrong.
  • Each of the 212 questions is available online at www.studentconsult.com - using the Rapid Review Testing Tool, providing detailed feedback on which areas you may need to study more.


The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America

A tour de force on Roosevelt the Environmental Activist5
I'm sure many of you are wondering whether we really need another biography of Theodore Roosevelt. After all, there has been a spate of other biographies on the man, from Edmund Morris' Theodore Rex to Kathleen Dalton's Theodore Roosevelt: A Strenuous Life. In short, the answer is YES, this is an essential TR biography. Even if you have read all of those other books (as I have), Douglas Brinkley's The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America is a vital addition to our understanding of TR as a man, a politician, and an environmental activist.

Brinkley's The Wilderness Warrior argues that Teddy Roosevelt was not simply a politician who cared about nature, but that his life as a naturalist permeated his entire outlook on life and use of political power. He goes further by arguing that TR was a committed preservationist who sought to protect nature forever, not just a "utilitarian" conservationist who sought to protect natural resources for later exploitation - despite his affinity for hunting.

The first part of the book documents TR's fascination with wildlife and the outdoors as a young child. Even by the age of 10, he had established a small "museum" of his favorite wildlife specimens (which he later donated to the Smithsonian and American Museum of Natural History). Brinkley portrays a young TR excitedly studying the radula (mouthparts) of small mollusks - hardly what one would imagine as the hobby of a future president. Brinkley also digs up some less appreciated influences on young TR. For example, he shines a light on Robert B. Roosevelt, TR's "black sheep" uncle who became a prominent advocate for fish conservation in New York and probably played a key role in encouraging TR's activism. Right up until college, Brinkley recalls how TR seemed destined for a career as a biologist. However, at Harvard, he became bored with lab biology and found another avocation - politics.

The next chapters show how TR continued his passion for nature even while pursuing a political career. Some of the stories - such as his trips to the Badlands after his mother and first wife Alice both died - are well known, but Brinkley fills them with rich detail. More interesting are the events that receive scant attention in most TR biographies. Even after spending years immersed in U.S. environmental history, I never realized that TR had founded the very first nationally effective environmental advocacy NGO (the Boone and Crocket Club). Brinkley brings this group to life by recalling the personalities in the group, such as naturalist George Bird Grinnell, and the groups publications. Throughout this, TR wrote acclaimed books about the American West, his hunting exploits, and endangered species. It is fascinating to see TR heatedly debating species classification with the government biologist C. Hart Merriam, while TR was serving as Assistant Secretary of the Navy (and many biologists now agree with TR's position no less!). In short, as Brinkley makes clear, even if he had never become president, TR would have been an important historical figure in raising awareness of the natural heritage of the American West.

However, of course TR was destined to play a much greater role as president. Much of the rest of the book shows how TR used the presidency to advance what Brinkley considers the most ambitious and meaningful conservationist agenda in U.S. history. At the stroke of a pen, TR would designate vast tracts of U.S. wilderness as National Refuges. When deciding to make Pelican Island, Florida, a Federal Bird Reservation, TR simply stated "I So Declare It"! In the end, Brinkley notes that TR not only protected some of our most important natural sites, such as the Grand Canyon, but also pushed for the laws and improvised the tools that would allow future presidents to follow in his footsteps.

One things I really love about this book is that it stays focused on TR the naturalist. With a personality as engaging as Teddy Roosevelt, there is material enough to fill several biographies (not that this book is short - it's over 800 pages!). Fortunately, Brinkley never meanders too far into other aspects of TR's life, which means the book remains fresh. Every page has a new and exciting anecdote that is probably unfamiliar to all but hardcore TR fans. Furthermore, by staying so close to his theme, Brinkley shows just how deeply conservationist philosophies pervaded TR's life. For example, TR fell in love with Darwin's theories of evolution at a young age and later used them to justify his foreign policy exploits. After reading this book, I came away with a renewed appreciation of TR as a politician and a man (could you ever imagine George Bush or Barack Obama "roughing it" out West?).

On the other hand, anybody interested in U.S. political history or environmentalism will find this book a treasure trove. Brinkley provides enough background on TR and U.S. history at the time so readers can follow along. Moreover, he writes well and makes every incident an adventure. The book has everything from hunting tales to political campaigning to battle skirmishes. Rather than feeling like 800 pages, you'll wish Brinkley had added another 400.

In fact, my only criticism of the book is that Brinkley should have kept on writing. I know the poor guy had to finish the book somewhere. The book ends when TR leaves the presidency in 1908, but the adventures didn't stop there. TR took trips to East Africa and the Amazon River in Brazil on hunting and scientific expeditions. Surely these influenced TR's views of nature. Fortunately, Candice Millard's The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey and TR's own African Game Trails: An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter-Natrualist cover these exploits. However, I would have been interested in learning more about TR's 1912 campaign as the Bull Moose candidate from The Wilderness Warrior's conservationist perspective. Hopefully, Brinkley can add some commentary in a revised edition on these episodes and how they influenced TR's views on conservation.

In short, I can't recommend this book enough. It is something rare in biographies of famous politicians - it is both well-written and original. However, don't take my word - check out this brief excerpt from Vanity Fair earlier this summer: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2009/05/teddy-roosevelt-excerpt200905. In addition, if you like this book, you might also want to read Gifford Pinchot and the Making of Modern Environmentalism (Pioneers of Conservation), about TR's righthand man in the U.S. Forest Service.

TR: Conservationist, environmentalist and the first "Green" President5
Theodore Roosevelt's life was packed so full with so many interests it's easy for an author to focus on one aspect of it rather than writing a sprawling biography. Brinkley opts to focus on Teddy the conservationist and environmentalist for "The Wilderness Warrior" and there is no shortage of material to draw from as Roosevelt was drawn to nature from the time he was a child. The subject of Roosevelt's interest in nature has been touched on in other sprawling biographies by Nathan Miller, Edmund Morris and others, but few have focused as specifically on Roosevelt's environmentalism quite as well or as in-depth as Brinkley does here. Like many Victorians, Roosevelt was typically eclectic, collecting and preserving specimens of a wide variety of animals which he prominently displayed in his homes, jokingly calling it the "Roosevelt Museum of Natural History." He also kept a wide variety of unusual pets and this interest in the biodiversity of the environment around him was likely spurred by what he was reading as much as by the rapidly changing world around him. But that eclectic interest changed to serious ambition when Roosevelt ventured to the Dakotas in the late 1880s.

There is a tendency to think that Roosevelt's interest in conservationism lay dormant from his time in the Dakotas until he became President, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth; which ultimately is part of why Brinkley wrote this book. Rather than compartmentalizing conservationism, it was an essential part of Roosevelt's core being and beliefs, something Brinkley makes quite clear. Freed of having to tell the whole story of Roosevelt's life Brinkley is able to focus on how conservationism was always near and dear to Roosevelt's heart and informed much of his life. And while Roosevelt's early interest in nature and travels to the Dakotas have been told countless times before, there is a freshness here that is found in Brinkley's other books. Brinkley is able to explore Roosevelt's fascination with nature in far greater detail than other authors would have dared that allows readers to see Roosevelt as though for the first time. Brinkley is also freed to focus on Roosevelt's activism once he becomes President without having to wade into covering all the other aspects of his presidency. Perhaps the strangest part is that Brinkley largely ends with Roosevelt's presidency. This is so strange especially since Roosevelt's ill-fated trip down the Amazon would have been a rather fitting coda for this story. Perhaps Brinkley felt "River of Doubt" covered that sufficiently and wanted Roosevelt to go out on a high note. It certainly doesn't detract from the book and it's rare that I would ever say 800+ pages left me wanting more, but that is indeed the case here. "The Wilderness Warrior" reads like the adventure that it is. There is more detail crammed in here then I ever imagined and yet it is one of the best biographies on Roosevelt I've ever read, despite narrowly focusing on one aspect of his very exciting and action packed life. If anything it will make readers wish for another environmentalist like Theodore Roosevelt to come along; what we've had since then have by and large been pale imitators.

Simply the BEST book on Teddy Roosevelt !!!!!5
WOW. Its rare I get a book and sit and leaf thru it in complete awe. This is a book I have wanted for so so long.In fact I plan on buying extra copies for my county library system, since we here in the Sierras in Mark Twain country, so appreciate top books with such wonderful research and information that is so well written that you literally do NOT want to put the book down. And its a book that you will read and re read and re read and get something new from each time you read it.

Having grown up in a wild west, environmentalist mined family where when we backpacked we got daily lectures on leaving an area so that it looked like we have never been there, Theodore Roosevelt was akin to my families favorite relative, university professor, religious advisor and common sense favorite friend. And this book shows we were right on.

Douglas Brinkley is an A+ author and one can only imagine the hours, days, months and years he put into researching Theodore Roosevelt, because the book covers ALL areas of the United States and even international areas that the President lived and fought for. And reading the book you get the sense you are there, listening to the President demand we care for the earth and the open spaces this great country offers.

Especially interesting to me is how during the past election we heard candidates from different political parties evoke the name of Teddy Roosevelt, yet in reading the book one wonders just how much did or do these folks even know of the man. And I so hope the book will light a fire under people to demand that we always fun the open spaces we have as parks and natural preserves. And I didn't even know West Virginia had a state of the art naturalist center for the Fish and Wildlife folks under the Department of the Interior.

And the books is honest in pointing up the few mistakes Teddy Roosevelt made, while also noting he was probably the last or even one of the few totally honest Presidents we have had. He was known to have never lied. And while he did hunt and fish, as my family does, he also understood well the role of herd management in a responsible and humane manner.

As a walk the talk conservative I remind people that conserve and conservation go hand in hand with me being a conservative.

About The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #577 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-07-28
  • Released on: 2009-07-28
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 960 pages


The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America Description

In this groundbreaking epic biography, Douglas Brinkley draws on never-before-published materials to examine the life and achievements of our "naturalist president." By setting aside more than 230 million acres of wild America for posterity between 1901 and 1909, Theodore Roosevelt made conservation a universal endeavor. This crusade for the American wilderness was perhaps the greatest U.S. presidential initiative between the Civil War and World War I. Roosevelt's most important legacies led to the creation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and passage of the Antiquities Act in 1906. His executive orders saved such treasures as Devils Tower, the Grand Canyon, and the Petrified Forest.

Tracing the role that nature played in Roosevelt's storied career, Brinkley brilliantly analyzes the influence that the works of John James Audubon and Charles Darwin had on the young man who would become our twenty-sixth president. With descriptive flair, the author illuminates Roosevelt's bird watching in the Adirondacks, wildlife obsession in Yellowstone, hikes in the Blue Ridge Mountains, ranching in the Dakota Territory, hunting in the Big Horn Mountains, and outdoor romps through Idaho and Wyoming. He also profiles Roosevelt's incredible circle of naturalist friends, including the Catskills poet John Burroughs, Boone and Crockett Club cofounder George Bird Grinnell, forestry zealot Gifford Pinchot, buffalo breeder William Hornaday, Sierra Club founder John Muir, U.S. Biological Survey wizard C. Hart Merriam, Oregon Audubon Society founder William L. Finley, and pelican protector Paul Kroegel, among many others. He brings to life hilarious anecdotes of wild-pig hunting in Texas and badger saving in Kansas, wolf catching in Oklahoma and grouse flushing in Iowa. Even the story of the teddy bear gets its definitive treatment.

Destined to become a classic, this extraordinary and timeless biography offers a penetrating and colorful look at Roosevelt's naturalist achievements, a legacy now more important than ever. Raising a Paul Revereย–like alarm about American wildlife in peril—including buffalo, manatees, antelope, egrets, and elk—Roosevelt saved entire species from probable extinction. As we face the problems of global warming, overpopulation, and sustainable land management, this imposing leader's stout resolution to protect our environment is an inspiration and a contemporary call to arms for us all.

Organic Chemistry (7th Edition)

Organic Certified!5
L.G. "Skip" Wade has done an exceptional job at writing a textbook in probably the most merciless field of human endeavor. First, the physical aspect of the book is worth noting; the illustration is pleasant yet remain faithful to the scientific accuracy it wishes to convey. The glossy paper is sturdy, preventing the frequent mishaps of tear and wear so common to the undergraduate life.

Wade does not condescend as an author (a particular attribute that probably increases the likeability of an author/professor) ; he matter-of-factly admits to having made a "C" on his second organic test, a testament to the difficulty of the subject. He acknowledges the difficulty of organic chemistry, he concurs to the fact that memorization is indeed required, yet he offers the comforting assurance that organic chemistry is indeed the logical subject it has always been touted to be, as evidenced by the structured organization of the book.

The book begins with a review of general chemistry (Lewis structure, acids and bases, molecular orbitals, and the like) and sets to introduce briefly the electron-pushing principle so fundamental to organic chemistry. Alkane is covered next, introducing the concept of conformational analysis, polarity, intermolecular forces, and general introduction the other functional groups. The next chapter is on the study of chemical reactions, followed by stereochemistry (perhaps the hardest chapter). Maybe it is safe to suggest that the most logical part (fundamental principles) of organic chemistry resides in these first five chapters, while the dreadful memorization will soon ensue.

Chapter 6 onwards introduces the major functional groups (alkyl halides, alkene, alcohols, alkynes), where the general trend is to present the nomenclature, the uses, the synthesis, and the mechanism; in that order. Accompanying summary of informations so essential to the "memorization" is found at the end of every chapter.The underlying principles common to all field of organic chemistry are exemplified in the illustrative reactions of the functional groups.

Spectroscopy are introduced in Chapters 12 and 13, and the chapters following them are devoted to introduce the remaining major functional groups with knowledge of spectroscopy already presented. Chapters 23, 24, and 25 discuss the organic compounds of particular interest to the biologically-orientated, while Chapter 26 concludes the book with a survey of synthetic polymer.

The most striking characterictics of the book are probably its problem solving hints, problem-solving strategies and essential problem-solving skills boxes. It almost seemed as though Wade was right in front of you showing you where to push that lazy electrons; patient and reminding. The solved problems are also very illustrative. An accompanying solution manual should perfectly complement your journey into the wonderful world of organic chemistry!

The author has done an excellent job presenting the material in this textbook. The use of colored text and invaluable illustrations really make the lessons clear. There is no need to highlight or make side notes (something I often do) because the text is organized so well. The problems at the end of every section make you focus on what the author is trying to convey. By doing these problems religiously organic chemistry is easier to understand and can actually be fun (well, relatively at least).

Note: I recommend getting a really cheap used 4th edition solutions manual to go with the 5th edition book. There are very few differences and it is VERY helpful in terms of understanding where you're going astray with those end-of-section problems. This manual contains helpful explanations, not just answers to problems.

Overall "Organic Chemistry 5th Edition" is one of the best scientific textbooks I have ever seen.

Organic Chemistry Solutions Manual by Jan Simek5
I began self-studying organic chemistry several months ago using two textbooks along with the accompanying solutions manuals which I had selected because they were being used by two local colleges.
A couple of months ago I read the reveiws about Wade's textbook and Simek's accompanying solutions manual in this space and decided to give them a try. In my opinion, both books are far superior to the books I started with.
I strongly disagree with the reviewer who wrote that the line drawings make the solutions manual hard to follow.

About Organic Chemistry (7th Edition) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #32965 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-02-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1320 pages

Organic Chemistry (7th Edition) Description

Organized around functional groups, this book incorporates problem-solving help, orientation features, and complete discussions of mechanisms. Wade explains concepts without taking the unnecessary short cuts that often lead to misconceptions—his hallmark problem-solving approach includes unique strategies and hints to help readers focus on the individual steps of each reaction and how they contribute to the overall reaction. Wade also employs the most efficient method of mechanism boxes with its two-tiered approach: Mechanism and Key Mechanism Boxes. He delineates the 20 “Key” mechanisms that comprise nearly all of the mechanisms students will encounter. Therefore, the book takes one additional and important step in helping readers identify and grapple with the smallest number of the most important concepts to understand.
Acid-Base Chemistry, Lewis Structures, Bronsted, Electron Structure (shell, orbitals, magnetic shielding), Bonding (formation, patterns, polarity, MO), Resonance, Stereochemistry, MO Theory, Conformational analysis, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Reaction Coordinate diagrams, Chirality, Regioselectivity, Synthesis, Aromaticity, Carbonyl chemistry.
A comprehensive reference for chemistry professionals.

Laboratory Animal Medicine: Principles and Procedures

Laboratory Animal Medicine by Sirois4
This book was required by my teacher for class readings. I thought it was written very user friendly. The rat,mouse, guinea pig, and rabbit have their own individual chapters. And the hamster, gerbil, and Ferret have one chapter together. For each individual animal chapter, the sections are broken down (taxonomy,unique anatomic & philologic features,genetics & nomenclature, behavior, husbandary housing & Nutrion, restraint & handling, identification, administration of medications, blood collection techniques,& common dieases). At the end of each animal section there are study questions. I gave only 4 out of 5 stars because the pictures in the book are black and white and they should be in color so you can see what they are doing better.

About Laboratory Animal Medicine: Principles and Procedures detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #662899 in Books
  • Published on: 2004-11-23
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 368 pages

Laboratory Animal Medicine: Principles and Procedures Description

This combination text and lab manual provides clinically relevant coverage of laboratory animal medicine and procedures. It covers a variety of species, including rats, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, gerbils, ferrets, nonhuman primates, and in a separate chapter, nontraditional lab animals, such as swine, chinchillas, armadillos, reptiles, amphibians, bats, farm animals, and dogs and cats. Coverage of each species is presented in a consistent format that includes taxonomy, anatomy and physiology, uses in biomedical research, reproduction, behavior, husbandry, restraint and handling, identification methods, injection techniques, medication administration and anesthesia, blood collection, common diseases, and euthanasia. Other key topics include the laboratory setting, regulatory guidelines, and ethical considerations. The lab manual portion of the book features a variety of exercises and observation sheets. * Comprehensive coverage of a variety of topics such as animal species, the laboratory setting, regulatory guidelines, and ethical considerations prepares readers for a career in laboratory animal medicine * Familiarizes readers with the handling, behavior, nutrition, and lab and treatment procedures for a large variety of common and nontraditional laboratory animals * The consistent organization of each species chapter makes it easy for readers to quickly identify similarities and differences among various laboratory animals * Laboratory exercises are included in a perforated section at the end of the book, allowing users to apply their knowledge and develop job skills * Features a wealth of user-friendly features such as a two-color design, learning objectives, key points, and review questions * Provides detailed information on specific legal and ethical requirements of lab animal care and use, including the ethics of pain management.


My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey

This is, indeed, a first-person description of stroke by a scientifically and dare I say it -- spiritually -- sophisticated person. The author describes a range of experiences that make sense given our knowledge of localization of function. I'm not sure that such a detailed and consistent report by a scientist is available anywhere else. As such, this story is unusual and important. Moreover the author reports how she turned her stroke into an opportunity for profound wisdom and insight. Amazing stuff! And this may save lives.

Personally, I don't share all the author's ideas about strict functional localization in the brain... but that is secondary and doesn't detract from my admiration of her remarkable contribution.

My enjoyment of this book was enhanced considerably by the material and links at the author's website. She has posted a number of video and audio presentations, radio shows, etc.

Stroke of Brilliance!5
I first came across Jill Bolte Taylor, Phd when her speech at TED (an annual conference devoted to Technology, Entertainment, Design) went viral. In it, she describes how she witnessed herself having a stroke and the subsequent feeling of peace that enveloped her when her logical left brain shut down and her right brain became dominant. I became intrigued after watching the video and then read the book.

The book expounds on her experience while having the stroke and her subsequent recovery. It was amazing on many levels:
(1) She gives a 1st person narrative of her experience of the stroke and recovery but she doesn't portray it as something we should all pity and feel sorry for. Instead, she lays it out not unlike an explorer discovering new territory, full of suspense and wonder.

(2) She gives incredible tips on how to communicate with and care for stroke victims. For e.g., some people would yell at her after they saw she didn't understand what they were saying. However, she wasn't deaf. She could only process one word at a time. If those people would have spoken more slowly rather than loudly, she would have been able to understand them. This is something that would never have occurred to me if I hadn't read this book.

(3) She takes us on a tour of the 'mystical' right side of her brain which little is known about and whose capabilities in today's world seem to be dismissed. She says the right side of the brain is the gateway to enlightenment and nirvana. She shares tips on how to 'tend the garden of your mind' and to interrupt or stop those stories we all tell ourselves over and over again (usually about how we are deficient, not good enough, etc.). She calls them loops.

Dr. Taylor's tips about how we can all achieve nirvana by accessing the right side of the brain as a conscious process is worth the price of the book many times over. We all have a "loop of deep inner peace" wired into our neurological circuitry in our right brain and we can consciously choose to run this loop whenever we wish.

Closely related to this topic are books by Ariel & Shya Kane. They've written three outstanding books: Working on Yourself Doesn't Work: The 3 Simple Ideas That Will Instantaneously Transform Your Life, How to Create a Magical Relationship: The 3 Simple Ideas that Will Instantaneously Transform Your Love Life & Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment. The Kanes have been teaching about accessing the magic of the right-side of the brain for over 20 years and their book is chock full of tips, and stories on how to recognize those loops Dr. Taylor talks about and how to bypass them. If you're serious about getting enlightened, get Dr. Taylor's and the Kanes' books NOW!

Valuable information about stroke; but the book has its flaws4
I debated over whether to give this book three, four, or five stars. The information that Dr. Taylor presents about the brain and stroke is worth five stars, without question. But I have a few complaints about how she presents this information; and lots of complaints about the "self-help" aspects of this book. I almost wish I could post two reviews of this book -- a five-star review for the information about the brain and stroke; and a two-star review for everything else about the book. I ended up giving the book a (somewhat charitable) compromise rating of four stars (but in some ways the four star rating is too low; and in others it is way too high).

Let's start with the positives: This book is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the human brain and how it functions, any health care professional or caregiver who deals with stroke patients, anyone who has a friend or family member who has had a stroke, and anyone who is concerned about the possibility that they might someday suffer from a stroke (a statistical possibility, since about 700,000 Americans will have a stroke this year). If you want to know about what it's like to have a stroke and to recover from it, this is the book to read. Dr. Taylor is a brain scientist who had a stroke and lived to tell her story of survival, recovery, and rehabilitation. The information she provides about her personal experience is priceless for anyone who wants to better understand what happens when someone has a stroke, and what is needed for recovery and rehabilitation. This information is also of extreme value for anyone who wants to better understand how the brain works to make us who we are. Five stars for the information on the brain and stroke.

But now I must deal with the negatives, and comment on the "two-star" aspects of this book. First of all, the writing style is a bit amateurish; but we can excuse Dr. Taylor for that, since she's a brain scientist, not a professional writer. But I do have a bit of a problem with how she tells her story. What bothers me about her account is her description of what was going on in her mind while she was having the stroke and during her recovery. She describes herself as having certain thoughts that just don't seem plausible given her description of the mental impairments she was suffering at the time. She makes a point of saying that the language centers of her left cerebral cortex had been impaired, silencing the inner voice in her head, leaving her mind in a state of peaceful quiet. Yet she goes on to describe thoughts that were running through her mind. (How could she have such thoughts without that inner voice?) I got the feeling that she was actually describing the thoughts that went through her mind years later as she was recalling her stroke experience. (But, given the fact that our minds actually "construct" our memories as we reflect on our past experiences rather than simply recording our experiences and playing them back for us with perfect accuracy, this sort of thing is to be expected.)

But what really annoyed me about this book was that, in the last few chapters, it turned into a sappy, shallow, self-help book of the "learn-to-love-yourself-and-think-happy-thoughts" variety; and includes what has to be the single corniest sentence ever written in the English language: "When my bowels move, I cheer my cells for clearing that waste out of my body." (p. 156) In these later chapters, the book even delves into "New Age" stuff like "energy dynamics", Feng Shui, and "Angel Cards". I felt that this seriously compromised the integrity of the valuable information that Dr. Taylor presented about brain science and stroke recovery. This information is so valuable that I would still recommend the book in spite of its many shortcomings; but I would encourage you to take the last few chapters of the book with a grain of salt.

About My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #331 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-05-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages


My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey Description

The astonishing New York Times bestseller that chronicles how a brain scientist's own stroke led to enlightenment

On December 10, 1996, Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven- year-old Harvard-trained brain scientist experienced a massive stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain. As she observed her mind deteriorate to the point that she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life-all within four hours-Taylor alternated between the euphoria of the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain, in which she felt a sense of complete well-being and peace, and the logical, sequential left brain, which recognized she was having a stroke and enabled her to seek help before she was completely lost. It would take her eight years to fully recover.

For Taylor, her stroke was a blessing and a revelation. It taught her that by "stepping to the right" of our left brains, we can uncover feelings of well-being that are often sidelined by "brain chatter." Reaching wide audiences through her talk at the Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference and her appearance on Oprah's online Soul Series, Taylor provides a valuable recovery guide for those touched by brain injury and an inspiring testimony that inner peace is accessible to anyone.

Organic Chemistry (5th Edition)

Excellent text but awful answer keys and Solution Manual4
I just finished taking my first Organic Chemistry course and got an A -- and this text was a huge reason why. Her organization and explanation of reactions and mechanisms was great and her graphics were very helpful. This text was a huge improvement over my General Chemistry textbook (Zumdahl's Chemistry) which was awful. This text made the course very comprehensible. Only two things kept me from giving this book five stars. One, the answer key, both in the text and in the Solution Manual, was completely unreliable and many of the answers were wrong. Prentice Hall must have used one of their editorial interns to check the answer keys. Very sloppy work. Two, the NMR and IR chapters (Ch. 12 & 13) weren't as clear and comprehensible as the other chapters. Other than that, however, an excellent text for the Organic Chemistry novice.

A solid organic chemistry textbook5
My assessment of this textbook is based upon concurrent usage of the solutions manual.

Paula Bruice does a great job in presenting organic chemistry. I had virtually no knowledge of organic chemistry when starting the academic year, and felt I had a solid understanding of it at the end of the year. I obtained As both semesters, even though one of the professors only loosely followed the material in the text. However, the text was of sufficient quality that I was able to understand the material the professor presented by relying almost solely on the text.

I prefer to learn things by reading and studying alone. I used this text with solutions manual almost exclusively. The author's presentation of subjects is logical and progressive. There are many worked problems within the text, and the solutions manual has fully worked solutions to the problems. Additionally, there are review subjects within the solutions manual to cover subjects that are not properly organic chemistry, but must be mastered to understand organic chemistry.

The key to getting the most from this text is to work the problems at the end of the chapters. Paula Bruice does not present problems that were not covered in the chapter. Thus, if you read the chapter, you'll see the concepts in the problems at the end of the chapter. Where you have gaps in working the problems, you can readily fill the gaps by checking the solutions manual. Read the text, work the problems, you'll learn organic chemistry.

As a final note, there is a web site to accompany the text. It isn't great, but I think most such web sites are deficient. Nevertheless, it was sometimes helpful when I simply couldn't grasp a concept. It is probably the best web site to accompany a text I've seen.

The One Shining Exception5
... As a recent graduate (Microbiology, BS), I have had my experiences with poorly written textbooks, but this book was the one shining exception. I, like many others, feared organic chemistry. However, this book breaks the intricacies of organic chemistry up into easy-to-understand steps which gives the student the necessary foundation to build upon, learn, and ultimately understand organic chemistry in a way that is efficient as well as long-lasting. Rather than memorizing mechanisms, the student is able to "work-through" the mechanism based on previous knowledge. I know this because I have read this book, cover-to-cover, and had only wished that my other text books were as well thought out and helpful as this one! ! . This book was not only written by an expert in organic chemistry, but by an expert in teaching as well. I have had my copy of this book since 1995 and still refer to it today. I highly recommend this book to students and teachers alike.

About Organic Chemistry (5th Edition) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #26433 in Books
  • Published on: 2006-03-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 1440 pages

Organic Chemistry (5th Edition) Description

This innovative book from acclaimed educator Paula Bruice is organized in a way that discourages rote memorization. The author’s writing has been praised for anticipating readers' questions, and appeals to their need to learn visually and by solving problems. Emphasizing that learners should reason their way to solutions rather than memorize facts, Bruice encourages them to think about what they have learned previously and apply that knowledge in a new setting. KEY TOPICS The book balances coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry, highlights mechanistic similarities, and ties synthesis and reactivity together–teaching the reactivity of a functional group and the synthesis of compounds obtained as a result of that reactivity. For the study of organic chemistry.

Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine

About Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #530492 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-02-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 679 pages

Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine Description

Using a problem-based approach, Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine, Second Edition presents interesting cases to illustrate the current use and interpretation of the most commonly available clinical laboratory tests. The cases present detailed descriptions of the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. The book begins with an up-to-date general discussion of selection and use of laboratory diagnostic and prognostic tests. Cases are then grouped by category, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, liver, gastrointestinal, endocrine, gynaecologic & obstetrical, haematological, CNS, lipid, congenital, toxicological, infectious, and autoimmune diseases.

Tietz's Applied Laboratory Medicine, Second Edition:

  • Presents over 100 cases organised by disease group
  • Reflects latest treatment and risk factor guidelines, testing algorithms and recommendations
  • Newly covers coagulopathies, infectious diseases, and autoimmune diseases
  • Provides excellent coverage of relevant pathophysiology and biochemistry, and includes cases in molecular diagnostics
  • Discusses legal implications

This book is an invaluable resource for all clinical chemists, clinical lab technologists, pathologists, and allied health professionals. It is also of interest for general practitioners, residents, medical students, and educators.


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition (Text Revision)

Not much new...5
Like other reviewers, I agree that if you own DSM-IV (burgundy cover), there is absolutely no reason for you to purchase the DSM-IV-TR (silver cover). Might as well wait for DSM-V (won't that be a treat). If you are not a mental health professional or graduate student, I can't imagine why you would want to own this book. It is essentially a compilation of symptom and behavior checklists that help clinicians make reliable diagnoses of mental disorders.

I would recommend strongly (for both professionals, students, and the lay public), DSM-IV Made Easy by James Morrison. Morrison's book makes the DSM come alive. He illustrates technical points well, and provides interesting case examples that make you think of people when you read the diagnosis, not just symptoms.

Informative, but don't buy it if you have the original DSM-44
The text-revised version is virtually identical to the 1994 version of the DSM-IV and not worth buying if you have the 1994 version. Along with the DSM-IV, the DSM-IV Text Revised version is, however, an informative book that provides good introductory information, especially in the "Diagnostic Features" section, about a wide variety of mental disorders. A problem of the manual, in my opinion, is its use of a categorical classification system while ignoring the dimensional nature of psychological phenomena.

Lee J. Markowitz, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)

specific value only4
The diagnostic sections remain largely unchanged. Only significant changes were to the text portion, hence the TR designation-- text revised. This is important if you are a student or in a research position. They produced this version in response to the fact that many graduate programs are using the DSM as a text book in their Pathology courses. In this regard, the new version is worthwhile and clearly justified. It also buys them a little more time in development of the DSM V. For clinical purposes, don't bother, it's not worth the money. If you are getting your first copy, or are looking for class, then you want this edition.

About Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition (Text Revision) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #388 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 943 pages

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition (Text Revision) Description

Since the DSM-IV® was published in 1994, we’ve seen many advances in our knowledge of psychiatric illness. This Text Revision incorporates information culled from a comprehensive literature review of research about mental disorders published since DSM-IV® was completed in 1994. Updated information is included about the associated features, culture, age, and gender features, prevalence, course, and familial pattern of mental disorders.

The DSM-IV® brings this essential diagnostic tool up-to-date, to promote effective diagnosis, treatment, and quality of care. Now you can get all the essential diagnostic information you rely on from the DSM-IV® along with important updates not found in the 1994 edition.

Stay current with important updates to the DSM-IV®:

• Benefit from new research into Schizophrenia, Asperger’s Disorder, and other conditions

• Utilize additional information about the epidemiology and other facets of DSM conditions

• Update ICD-9-CM codes implemented since 1994 (including Conduct Disorder, Dementia, Somatoform Disorders)

DSM-IV-TR, the handheld version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, is now available for both Palm OS and PocketPC handhelds. This Text Revision incorporates information culled from a comprehensive literature review of research about mental disorders and includes associated features, culture, age, and gender features, prevalence, course, and familial pattern of mental disorders. And with Skyscape's patented smARTlink™ technology, DSM-IV-TR can easily cross-index with other clinical and drug prescription products from Skyscape to provide a powerful and integrated source of clinical information that you can carry with you wherever you go!

Chemistry Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))

A Great Workbook Even if You are Not a Dummy5
The best way to learn a subject, especially a subject with the reputation of difficulty that chemistry has, is to be engaged while learning. The quartet of authors (Mikulecky, Brutlag, Gilman, and Peterson)of this workbook have organized the material to keep the student actively involved while studying rather than reading a myriad of chemistry facts. I found this a super stand alone book for tutoring students having difficulties with chemistry.

About Chemistry Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #16234 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-08-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 360 pages


Chemistry Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)) Description

From liquids and solids to acids and bases - work chemistry equations and use formulas with ease

Got a grasp on the chemistry terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear - this hands-on guide helps you solve many types of chemistry problems in a focused, step-by-step manner. With problem-solving shortcuts and lots of practice exercises, you'll build your chemistry skills and improve your performance both in and out of the science lab. You'll see how to work with numbers, atoms, and elements; make and remake compounds; understand changes in terms of energy; make sense of organic chemistry; and more!

100s of Problems!

  • Know where to begin and how to solve the most common chemistry problems
  • Step-by-step answer sets clearly identify where you went wrong (or right) with a problem
  • Understand the key exceptions to chemistry rules
  • Use chemistry in practical applications with confidence

Clinician's Guide to Laboratory Medicine (Clinicians Guide Series)

excellent overview5
As a physician I have referenced many books on laboratory medicine. This is by far one of the best for providing a concise,understandable, and more importantly, practical means of understanding laboratory tests and their clinical relevance.

A Great Book to Learn From5
Dr. Desai's book is thorough and well organized; a fantastic reference to help you work through case studies and patient admissions. It is most useful for meticulous internal medicine patient write-ups. I highly recommend it to all med students, especially those going into the clinical years.

Required for class ... 2
This book was required for a class and while the information that is covered is very thorough, they seem to leave many other things out. There is also a lot of page jumping to follow information. Definitely would not be my first choice.

About Clinician's Guide to Laboratory Medicine (Clinicians Guide Series) detail

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #509030 in Books
  • Published on: 2004-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 925 pages

Clinician's Guide to Laboratory Medicine (Clinicians Guide Series) Description

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. Pocket-sized reference offers updated step-by-step approaches to lab test interpretation. Features more than 700 boxes, tables, and algorithms. Includes expanded sections on neurology, nephrology, rheumatology, and more. Also includes a complementary smaller pocket-sized version. Previous edition: c2002. Softcover.