
FOSS releases new analyser for wine quality control

FOSS has released OenoFoss, a new analyser providing instant quality control of grapes and wine.
The simple-to-use OenoFoss analyser meets a growing demand from wine producers for rapid and easy-to-obtain information in support of decisions such as when to pick grapes, how to control fermentation or when to bottle.
It will never replace human judgement, but now two minutes spent using the instrument provides an obvious way to cross-reference generations of experience, ensuring optimal quality in years ahead.
Up to seven quality parameters from a single drop
Traditional analysis involves various items of analysis equipment and takes time. For instance, it can take around 20 minutes to measure a single quality parameter. In contrast, OenoFoss gives winemakers key information quickly.
It measures main quality parameters of grape must, must under fermentation and wine within two minutes from a single drop of a single sample.
Up to seven parameters are measured simultaneously: sugar, pH, total acid, glucose/fructose, malic acid, ethanol, volatile acid and colour. The results are displayed on a computer screen.
Unlimited testing at no extra cost
The OenoFoss instrument is compact, simple-to-use and does not require the use of chemicals. It is ideal for use in small or mid-size wineries.
A point and click software interface allows virtually anyone to use the instrument and record a valid analysis result. Results are automatically stored for future reference.
A FOSS survey of wineries in Australia and New Zealand in 2006 showed that the number of tests on wine during the wine making process was set to double within three years.
The OenoFoss now makes coping with this demand a lot easier and more cost effective for winemakers.
For the way wine is made today
A prototype of the analyser has been tested by a number of wine producers in Europe. The concept was broadly welcomed especially in relation to the time-saving aspects prized by busy winemakers.
Winemaker Tim Knappstein said: “This instrument has the potential for huge time and cost savings and greatly advances the capability of laboratories in smaller wineries. I believe it will give us much greater control of our winemaking process, particularly the management of malolactic fermentation.”
FOSS wine segment manager, Peter Skade said: “Until now, smaller wineries in particular have relied on traditional analysis, which takes time. Now it is in their power to obtain all the data they need whenever they need it.”
Larger wineries and wine laboratories are already served by FOSS WineScan solutions which can deliver measurements for up to 20 quality parameters from a single sample.