
Proceedings NIR-2005 - 12th Int'l Conference + CD ROM

The NIR-2005 Procedings is a record of the event and contains 164 full manuscripts of the 262 oral and poster presentations that made NIR-2005 a successful event. The conference theme "NIR in action – making a difference" was chosen by the organising committee to reflect the strong emphasis on the practical application of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy across a wide range of topics as practised around the world. The contents published here reflect this emphasis and we hope will serve as an appropriate and useful record of the areas of innovative science that were show-cased during the conference. To ensure their was a complete record of all oral and poster presentations at the Conference, this volume also includes the abstracts of the 97 presentations for which a full manuscript was not received.This proceedings also comes with a fully searchable CD ROM.