
Bruker Optics Proved FT-NIR Spectroscopy Suitable to Detect Melamine in Dairy Products

In the past melamine contamination has already been a huge problem for the animal feed and pet food industry. An addition of melamine to the products results in a false appearance of higher levels of protein and thus better quality. The recent scandal involving the adulteration of milk and infant formula with melamine and the tragic results of four infant deaths due to kidney failure requires rapid measures to be taken.
Fast screening method
Bruker Optics performed a series of tests to find out if melamine can be detected with FT-NIR spectroscopy in milk powder and liquid milk. The results showed it is possible to find Melamine down to a very low concentration in various milk powders and types of liquid milk. Generally, FT-NIR spectroscopy is a very fast and easy-to-use screening method with total measurement times of less than 30s, which could substitute e.g. HPLC measurements. The low levels of detection are unusual for NIR spectroscopy, but melamine shows a very distinct spectroscopic fingerprint and can, therefore, be well distinguished from the natural protein of the respective milk product.
Improved product quality
FT-NIR spectroscopy can generally help to improve product quality and to assure consumer health. It is a valuable tool in all phases of the production chain, from the livestock diet to the quality control of the finished product. Bruker Optics' dedicated analyzers ensure the control of quality relevant parameters like fat, protein, dry matter and others along the stages of production. A set of starter calibrations is available for a quick and efficient implementation of the Bruker Optics spectrometers into your daily quality control routines.