
Fruit and Vegetable: with Sammo at the service of major retail chains

Traceability, safety and quality on show at "Sammeet" in Milano Marittima

The Sammeet workshop, organised, in cooperation with SACMI IMOLA, by Sammogroup - a leading European provider of technologically cutting-edge fresh fruit and vegetable post-harvest analysis, product preparation, sorting, packaging and labelling systems/solutions - will take place on Friday 4th April at the Gallia Hotel in Milano Marittima. Sammeet will provide a welcome get-together opportunity for suppliers and major European retail chains and also offers an occasion for in-depth discussion of the trends and needs within fruit and vegetable markets, needs increasingly linked to aspects such as traceability, quality, safety and flexibility.
The workshop will open at 9 o'clock with a talk by Professor Roberto Della Casa of the University of Bologna on "The European Fruit and Vegetable Market: scenarios and trends". A round table discussion will follow: participants will include European-level production and distribution representatives. In the afternoon there will be a guided tour of the Sammogroup showroom in Cesena, including a demonstration of the latest, highly advanced Sammo and Sacmi technologies; here, participants will be treated to a sneak preview of the "Naturally robot packer", an all-new development for the packaging industry.
Also on display will be the Sacmi-developed automatic Nir Box sorters that are applied on Sammo machines: together, they form integrated systems, which provide efficient fruit sorting by both weight and internal parameters. There will also be demonstrations of the Nir Case, an indispensable, portable, versatile instrument for quality control of fruit in the field, in the warehouse or even the retail outlet itself.