
Rudolph launches DigiPol DS saccharimeters

Rudolph Instruments has introduced the DigiPol DS series of saccharimeters, designed to meet the range of requirements for the sugar industry.

The DS Series features three models.

The DigiPol - DS 11 is suited for refined sugar testing using lead at 589nm.

The DigiPol - DS 21 is for raw sugar testing without lead using the NIR package at 880nm.

The DigiPol - DS 41 has two wavelength 589nm visible and 880nm NIR for both with and without sugar testing with automatic wavelength changeover.

DigiPol saccharimeters can be easily configured for measuring any sugar in any length cell.

The saccharimeters are supported by Rudolph Instruments with a range of accessories, and services including sample cells, calibration standards, and calibration services.