
Development of a portable near infrared sugar-measuring instrument

Industries from agriculture to petrochemistry have found near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic analysis useful for quality control and quantitative analysis of materials and products. The general chemical, polymer chemistry, petrochemistry, agriculture, food and textile industries are currently using NIR spectroscopic methods for analysis. In this study, we developed a portable NIR instrument for the non-destructive testing of products in the field, which has resulted in an instrument for commercial sale and use. The instrument consists of a light source, a polychromator, a wave-guide (optical fibre bundle) and a data processing unit. We tested the performance of the portable NIR instrument in determining the sugar content of apples. The performance was also examined at full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the spectrum. The difference in the absorption of quartz and plastic fibres in the NIR was also compared. The sugar content measurements were confirmed by a high correlation to the Brix value of the apples, and the calibration showed the accuracy of the instrument in practice. Application of this instrument to fruits and vegetables other than apples was explored.

source: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=13525660