
Application of NIR Technology in the Feed Analysis

Materials of feed are the base of the feed, and their qualities ensure the qualityand safety of feed products. In order to control the quality of the materials rapidlyand effectly, the method of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) technologywere appplied in this study. 49 true fish meal samples, 4 adulterated fish meal forsale, 50 soybean meal samples and 50 wheat bran samples were collected and delib-erately adulterated with urea, soybean meal,wheat bran and rapeseed meal respectivelyin 1%, 3%, 5% proportion to make 12 adulterated fish meal samples. The sampleswere scaned at the NIRS region 950-1650 nm respectively.The calibration models todetect whether the fish meal samples were adulterated and to predict the activity ofsoybean meal and conventional chemical compositions in fish meal ,soybean meal andwheat bran were developed using different methods to handle the NIR spectrograms ofthe samples. The results were as follows:1. Using the method of PCR to handle the NIR spectrograms of 56 fish mealsamples,we can discriminate true fish meal samples from adulterated fish meal sampleseasily.Therefore, the NIRS technique can be used as a new technique to detect quicklywhether the fish meal samples adulterated or not. Whereafter, the calibration modelwhich was developed with 44 true fish meal samples was established by the meanPCR combine with Mahalanobis distance. The result of validation showed that themodel which developed under the nine pinecipal factors by SNV was the best one,the number of false discrimination was zero.2. The universal calibration model for rapid estimation of the activity of soybean-meal was established by using the partial least square regression(PLS) and fist derivat-ive multivariate scattering correction mean center.The R~2_(cal) and SECV was 0.916and 0.045.The R~2_(val) and SEP was 0.926 and 0.035.The coefficient of variation(CV) ofrepeatability was 0.09.3. The universal calibration models for rapid estimation of conventional chemicalcompositions in soybean meal samples were established by using the partial least squ-are regression (PLS) combine with the methods of mean center, multivariate scatteringcorrection and derivative.The coefficient of determination in calibration (R~2) and RM-SEC of moisture, crude protein, crude fat,crude ash,crude fiber in soybean meal were 0.9695, 0.9755, 0.9507,0.845, 0.9384 and 0.117, 0.338, 0.271, 0.076, 0.267 respectively.And the coefficient of determination in validation and RMSEP of moisture, crudeprotein, crude fat, crude ash,crude fiber in soybean meal were 0.9327, 0.9533, 0.9847,0.8541, 0.9009 and 0.115, 0.313, 0.221, 0.078, 0.248 respectively.Apart from the crudeash, the other calibrations could meet the required for quantitative analysis.The universal calibration models for rapid estimation of conventional chemicalcompositions in fish meal samples were established by using the same mean. Thecoefficient of determination in calibration (R~2) and RMSEC of moisture, crude protein,crude fat,calcium,total phosphor and salt in fish meal samples were 0.9559, 0.9651,0.9421,0.845, 0.8899, 0.9553, 0.9235 and 0.216, 0.386, 0.288, 0.249, 0.085, 0.135Respectively. And the coefficient of determination in validation and RMSEP of mois-ture, crude protein, crude fat,calcium,total phosphor and salt in fish meal sampleswere 0.9395, 0.908, 0.9101, 0.8353, 0.83, 0.9238 and0.314, 0.827, 0.613, 0.474,0.294, 0.393 respectively. Apart from the calcium and total phosphor, the other calib-rations could meet the required for quantitative analysis.The universal calibration models for rapid estimation of conventional chemicalcompositions in wheat bran samples were established by using the same mean. Thecoefficient of determination in calibration (R~2) and RMSEC of moisture,crude protein,crude fat, crude fiber, crude ash in wheat bran samples were 0.9701, 0.9572, 0.9304,0.9814, 0.9582 and 0.101, 0.123, 0.109, 0.129, 0.105 respectively. And the coefficientof determination in validation and RMSEP of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crudefibre, crude ash in wheat bran samples were 0.9477, 0.9517, 0.8935, 0.9579, 0.8833and 0.142, 0.148, 0.133, 0.161, 0.114 respectively.All of the calibrations could meetthe required for quantitative analysis.