
Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure in Local Living

by Doug Fine
Advance praise for Farewell, My Subaru

โ€�Fine is Bryson Funny.โ€� โ€”โ€”Santa Cruz Sentinel

โ€�Fine is an amiable and self-deprecating storyteller in the mold of Douglas Adams. If you're a fan of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-style humor -- and also looking to find out how to raise your own livestock to feed your ice-cream fetish -- Farewell may prove a vital tool.โ€� โ€”โ€” The Washington Post

โ€�Fine is an eco-hero for our time..โ€� โ€”โ€” Miami Herald

โ€�An afterward offers solid advice and sources for learning more.โ€� โ€”โ€” On Earth Magazine, Natural Resources Defense Fund

โ€�This is Green Acres for the smart setโ€”: a witty and educational look at sustainable living. Buy it, read it, compost it.โ€�
โ€“A. J. Jacobs, author of The Year of Living Biblically

โ€�The details of Doug Fineโ€�s experiment in green living are great funโ€”โ€”but more important...