
Sacmi solutions for the fruit and vegetable sector

Nir technology on show at Fruit Logistica 2007 in Berlin

Sacmi will soon be putting its products on show at the prestigious Fruit Logistica showcase, the international fruit and vegetable processing exhibition to be held in Berlin from 8th to 10th February 2007. In Hall 2.2, on stands A-11 and B-07, the company will exhibit several solutions so as to give a panoramic view of its most innovative fruit and vegetable processing know-how, from in-the-field monitoring to final packaging.

In Berlin the star of the show will be the grader, jointly developed, through a technical-commercial agreement, by Sacmi and Sammo, a producer of fruit and vegetable processing machines. The exhibited grader features Nir (near infrared spectroscopy) technology, which allows for comprehensive non-destructive inspection and quality control of fruit and vegetable lots.

Nir technology is suitable for use throughout the fruit and vegetable production process as it not only measures classic quality parameters like brix and hardness but also gauges new ones such as dry substance, starch, pulp colour etc. A part of the stand will be set aside for a demonstration of the portable version of this technology, the Nir Case, a practical briefcase that allows quality to be monitored in the field, in storage facilities, on the distribution platform and at the point of sale.

Two more machines complete the range of technological gems being presented by the Group at Fruit Logistica 2007. Firstly there is the Sacmi Packaging "TF12 evoluzione", a cutting-edge automatic forming machine that can make corrugated cardboard trays with upper containment flaps. Secondly, Raytec Vision will be presenting the Spray optical sorter: here, detailed ultra-high definition cameras – Raytec's 'secret weapon' – detect even minimum colour differences on the products, thus taking fruit and vegetable quality control/safety to yet another level.