
Sacmi technology at the service of “goddess Pomona”

A Nir Case and Eos 835 olfactory system on show at Bologna University Library

Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit, can, in this day and age, count on additional powers – the ones provided by science and technology, thanks to which fruit growing and processing has become a profession, almost an art form. Hence the exhibition "Museum Fruits: science and art at the service of Pomona". Organised by the National Agricultural Academy, the exhibition will be held at the Bologna University Library in via Zamboni 25, from 12th April to 12th May.

And speaking of science "at the service of Pomona", visitors will also be able to admire two technological jewels from Sacmi. First of all, there is the NIR Case, a portable unit – with the appropriate motto "technology at your fingertips" – containing all the tools needed for comprehensive fruit quality control, allowing the user to test everything from sugar content to ripeness, acidity and glassiness. Usable both directly in the field or in warehouses, storage areas or supermarkets, it has been designed by Sacmi as a quality control tool that can be used from the farm to the retail outlet.

In addition to NIR Case there is also the Eos 835 electronic olfactory system: used to carry out quality control in the lab, it can also be installed on production lines for efficient control of food processing in general, fruit included, of course. Eos features sophisticated thin semi-conductor metallic oxide film sensors inside a patented measuring cell. In practice, after "inhaling" the sample to be analysed, the sensors interact with the odorous molecules by varying their electrical conductivity; special algorithms are then used to process the gathered data.

The exhibition, organised by the professor emeritus of Bologna University, Enrico Baldini, takes place on what is a special anniversary, the two hundredth of the founding of the National Agricultural Academy. Entry is free of charge and the exhibition is open from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (to 2 p.m. on Saturday).