life saver
I would have probably failed o-chem without this book. Although it does not explain how they got the answers, it is really helpful for copying for homework credit. and it occasionally helped me learn something
Absolutely necessary for Org Chem
If your text book is Organic Chemisty by Wade, this solutions manual is a MUST-HAVE. The book has many problems, and only some have the answers in the back so that you may check your answers. But there is very very few questions in the book that show you how to solve it. The solutions manual shows you step-by-step ways to solve the problems and gives you tips and reasons why the answer is the way it is. I cant imagine having taken Organic without the solutions manual. Taking this course with our this manual is just making this class 5x harder for no need! I highly recommend this book!
Detailed solutions manual
This manual is a key to success in organic chemistry. The more practice problems you do and do correctly the better you will do in the course. If you are using the Wade textbook I highly recomend spending a little more money and geting the solutions manual. This manual covers not just the odd numbeered problems, but covers every problem in the entire text. If there is a problem in the text you want the answer for it is in this solutions manual. The other nice thing is the manual gives you a couple of different solutions for a problem that has multiple answers.
About Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry and the CW+ GradeTracker Access Card Package (Workbook only, no Access Card included) detail
- Amazon Sales Rank: #2242 in Books
- Published on: 2005-04-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Paperback
- 720 pages
Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry and the CW+ GradeTracker Access Card Package (Workbook only, no Access Card included) Description
The Solutions Manual, prepared by Jan W. Simek of California Polytechnic State University, contains complete solutions to all the problems. The Solutions Manual also gives helpful hints on how to approach each kind of problem. This supplement is a useful aid for any student, and it is particularly valuable for students who feel they understand the material but need more help with problem solving. Appendix 1 of the Solutions Manual summarizes the IUPAC system of nomenclature. Appendix 2 reviews and demonstrates how acidity varies with structure in organic molecules, and how one can predict the direction of an acid--base equilibrium. Brief answers to many of the in-chapter problems are given at the back of this book. These answers are sufficient for a student on the right track, but they are of limited use to one who is having difficulty working the problems.